Second post

Sep 11 2023

My second blog post

It's 12:00AM and once again, I am in bed writing another blog post. It's been just about three weeks since my surgery. I'm doing a lot better, but I do still have some pain from certain movements. I have another 3 more weeks until I'm considered fully recovered and can go back to working out. I think next week I'll start working out but with 10lb dumbbells just to get the habit going again. I miss working out. I was making such good progress the past three years. I've very likely will have lost significant strength by th time my recovery period is fully over. It sucks, but I'm just glad I'm alive and well. I'll be back at it in no time.

I didn't think about the significance of today until I started writing this post. It's September 11th. Like a lot of people I still remember where I was when I first heard of the attacks. I was a sophomore in high school. I was riding passenger in my friends car and I think we heard about it on the radio. At the time I was just a dumb kid, hell, I probably still am. But I didn't think much of it. I didn't know at that time how much it would change the world. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I just wanted to write about it. I wish I had more to say, but I don't. I'm taking a moment to think about all of those people who lost their lives that day. I guess that's what we all want, to be remembered right?